I'm thrilled for you that you're having engagement pictures taken! Not only are you documenting this awesome season of life, but it's a great way to get comfy with your photographer and being in front of the camera before the big day. Be sure to check out the photos below of a few of my past couples during their engagement sessions and putting their experience to use at the wedding.

You're in love, wedding plans are being made and now it's time to document the dang thing. So exciting, but... What do I wear? Where do I look? I don't know what to do with my hands...

I got you.

I've rounded up a few tips to hopefully help make the process a little easier for you! Remember these are just tips, take what works for you, and leave the rest.

Confession: Engagement sessions are one of my favorites. As funny as it may feel at first for couples who aren't regularly in front of the camera once we warm up, sessions are fun and relaxed. There's no pressure, just soak in one another. The magic that gets photographed comes totally from capturing the interaction of the two of you in love.

Location & Season

I totally encourage you to choose a location that either means something to you (where the proposal happened or a place you spent a lot of time together during your engagement season for example) or is relative to an activity you enjoy doing together.

If you enjoy talking over a cup of coffee or testing out local craft beer, I'd recommend we go to a local cafe or brewery. Do you spend your weekends boating or hiking? Great! Maybe that's what your engagement session should consist of. Whatever it is, let it represent you as a couple.

Beauty Tips

  1. Drink plenty of water the week leading up to your session. Not only is it great for you, but it can help clear up your skin and make the whites of your eyes pop. Bonus points if you add lemon.
  2. Get good rest the night before.
  3. If you're going to have a trial run for your hair/makeup, today's the day to do it! Get the most out of if by scheduling it before your photo session.
  4. Routine maintenance. If you dye your hair, this means maybe getting your roots touched up a few days prior, getting a trim, deep condition or getting your eyebrows shaped are a few ideas.
  5. Hands. Getting a manicure for those up-close shots of the ring can be a game changer. While you're there, get a pedicure because you deserve it. I also recommend getting your ring cleaned if it's been a while.
  6. If it's winter time or you're prone to dry lips, bring some balm along to keep them from cracking.
  7. If it's summer, be mindful of unflattering tan lines. (I'm looking at you too apple watch tan line - some bangles or a big bracelet can cover that up if you need.)

What to Wear

Most couples bring two outfits, one that's on the dressier side and a second that is more casual. Remember, instead of matching, you'll want to coordinate and compliment each other. Putting both of you in plaid or the same color turtleneck is (thankfully) a think of the past, so don't be afraid to mix things up.

If you love that fall flannel look, maybe put one of you in a button-down flannel and the other in an accent color with coordinating accessories. By breaking it up a little bit, the picture won't be so busy and it'll draw your attention to the two of you.

Neutrals & earthy tones should make up the bulk of your colors. Dark denim jeans, a flowy blush dress, a white button- down are all classic staples that will be good options. You can't go wrong with something timeless. I recommend accenting with color rather than making it your main focus. Again, it just keeps things focused on you. Think accessories like scarves, ties, headbands, boot cuffs, you get the drift.

The majority of my work is done with wardrobes made up of light colors, shades of white and beige and earthy tones (terracotta orange, olive green, mustard yellow, etc.). Avoid colors like lime green, bright orange, fuchsia, royal blue, or neon anything. It takes away from what's going on in the picture and can actually make your skin tone look different than it looks in real life. Stripes that run horizontally can be unflattering. If stripes are your thing, go for vertical ones to elongate your figure.


I'm excited to now be offering access to a styling service for my clients!

You have access to this amazing and personalized styling service. Simply read the attached Style Guide and use SBlockStyle styling code (emailed upon booking) to begin coordinating outfits your entire family from the comfort of your couch. No more running store to store and no more guessing!

Feel free to play around with it until you have selected the perfect outfit combo. Click the shopping cart symbol on the items you like to make sure the retailer has your desired sizing and then email yourself the selected items. That’s it! Super easy right?

Style & Select Tips

Prepping Your Other Half

Hopefully you're both looking forward to your session, but that's not always the case. You know your fiance' better than anyone else so feel them out before the session. I recommend showing them some of my previous work to get them familiar with how my images turn out.

You'll both want to come into the session with an open mind and truly just ready to have a good time. I do minimal posing and in so, I like to give fun little prompts for you guys to help curate moments. It helps when you're both ready to go with the flow so no one thinks I'm a crazy person when I ask you to "nuzzle." ha!

I get it, but having had an engagement session myself, I'm so glad we did as those pictures are still hanging up in our home.

Keeping Clean

Do your best to have your close be lint and hair free. You'll obviously want to do your best to avoid any wrinkles or spilling coffee on yourself before the session, but once we get rolling try not to fret over keeping your outfit pristine anymore. In my work, I really try to capture the experience and interaction between the people I'm photographing. We may sit on the ground, run around, get in the water or walk through some tall grass to achieve this.

Be True To You

Like I mentioned, I'm looking to capture you two as a couple and your relationship - not the posed/catalog version of you; so let your personalities show through.

Again, my hope is that this is helpful and informative but know that these tips aren't a one-size-fits-all. Take what's helpful and leave the rest.

I can't wait for your engagement session! Please feel free to reach out if you need anything beforehand.

